Programming 101

A five-part introduction series on basics of Programming


I come from non-computer science background, so when I first encountered code in my bachelor’s degree, it looked like an Alien language. I never understood how code works and why you need to explain each and every step. I was like, computers are smart, do I really need to tell that this value, which I want to store is a Number or an Alphabet each and every time! Can’t the computer get that, its so basic!!

It took me a while to realize that, computers are just glorified calculators. For a better analogy, imagine a hill, with a road built downhill to avoid obstacles, and a car driving downhill on that road.

Here the hill is the computer, your code is the road which you design to avoid obstacles and the car is like current(power) coming from the power socket. So you need to design everything on that road, the road elevation, the signs, everything. You cannot trust the driver to make all the wise(correct) decisions. This pretty much explains what you basically do with coding. Your just building the road for the computer to run on.

Coming back from that imaginative(unimaginative) analogy, I will start this crash course with the absolute basics, how current(power) coming from a socket can store data, run games and what not.

I have divided this into 5 short articles. Hope this crash course helps you to better understand the world of programming.

Course Syllabus

  1. What is Programming
  2. Python Intro - Python Basics
  3. Python - functions , pips
  4. Python - Classes and Object
  5. Python - Sample Project