Working from home versus office

My thoughts on wfh and working from office

As more and more companies are starting to call their employees back to office, it seems a good time as any, to compare how it has been for me working from home versus working from office.

From more than 2 years now I have been working from home. I’m someone who enjoys being in office and socializing, but hates the traffic and lack of focus in office. So what usually ended up happening was that I would come back from office and then finish the day’s tasks at home. But I enjoyed my time in office as it helped me to build life long friendships and also has expanded my network.

Then came COVID! during March 2020 and I was stuck at home for more than 2 years.

At the same time, I got into a new team and was assigned to lead them. This was a tough assignment and that too working remotely was very challenging. But what ended up happening was that I was able to work more and do more and the extra time allowed me to develop and improve.

As the pandemic dragged on I decided to shift back to my home town and this me allowed me to focus on family. With family I mean my Mom and Sister ( FYI, for someone with kids, this whole WFH experience would be completely different).

But after a year and half, came the burn out. I had worked so hard and without the face-to-face human interaction I had burnt out. Somehow with luck my assignment in the project had come to end and I was switched another team.

After switching to new project I realized that , even though work during last couple years was tough and challenging, but it helped me improve my skills and career.

Many of my teammates were part of great resignation and switched companies when the market was high during beginning of 2022. But I had decided to stay for a little while longer.

Finally in September 2022 my office reopened, and we were asked to come in 2 days a week. Even though I was hesitant at first, I am beginning to like this model. I love the human interaction and fun and collaboration we have in office. But travelling in Bangalore traffic is horrible.

Its been a month for now and I honestly like it, but I would prefer just 1 day a week. I guess time will tell if this hybrid model is a future and way to go for work. Will provide an update on this after a few months.