
How I built my first Saas application

2022 Jan Update - Story of SQL Grammar

Chirag S P
Challenge #1 - Jan 2022 : SQL Grammar Time taken : 1st Jan to 2nd Feb 2022 Amount Earned : 0 dollars Status: V1 Complete Its the start of February 2022. Already a month of 2022 has passed. Guess I could stop wishing people happy new year from now on 😏. At the start of this year I had taken upon the challenge of building something and publishing on Product Hunt 🚀.

2022 Challenge - Building a new Product every month

My Challenge for 2022

Chirag S P
As I’m writing this today, its 4th of Jan 2022. 2021 has been a eventful year for me and everyone else around the world. We are in the second year of Covid, a bad year at that, but somehow we’ve survived and come through. Personally, 2021 was good to me as I’ve got to spend more time with my family, reconnect with my friends. As I turned 30 this year 😢,it made be realize how far I am from my life goals.