Challenge #1 - Jan 2022 : SQL Grammar
Time taken : 1st Jan to 2nd Feb 2022
Amount Earned : 0 dollars
Status: V1 Complete
Its the start of February 2022. Already a month of 2022 has passed. Guess I could stop wishing people happy new year from now on 😏. At the start of this year I had taken upon the challenge of building something and publishing on Product Hunt 🚀.
What is programming ?
What can we compare it with ?
Programming may look so complex and out of reach at first glance, but all it really is a set of instructions. Do this first and do that later, thats all it is. If you want to convey a set of instructions to another person, how would you do that,by using some language of course, like English, French or something else.
Imagine you and your buddy are developing a Spring boot Rest application using Java 11. To make it run consistently in yours and your buddy’s machine you decide to setup Sprint boot jar in Docker.
Now the docker setup is done, you want to release it to world and announce it in Product hunt.
Out of many cloud provider like AWS, Google cloud; Heroku is the most beginner friendly, whilst offering advanced features which can be scaled for a production level application.
As I’m writing this today, its 4th of Jan 2022.
2021 has been a eventful year for me and everyone else around the world. We are in the second year of Covid, a bad year at that, but somehow we’ve survived and come through.
Personally, 2021 was good to me as I’ve got to spend more time with my family, reconnect with my friends. As I turned 30 this year 😢,it made be realize how far I am from my life goals.
So, you’ve developed your Spring Boot rest API and generated the war. You’ve even managed to successfully deploy it in a tomcat server.
Now you’re thinking of containerizing your application.
This blog will guide you in deploying spring boot war to docker image.
Docker Intro Docker is a platform-as-a-service tool (PAAS) that provides virtualization on OS level called containers. It uses some common OS libraries but overall each container is isolated from one another.
A static website is website where pages are generated in server side and same is served to client side. This can be a quick and easy way to setup a website. This allows developers to decouple front end and content. It provides the ability to run a website without setting up a database.
This can be perfect for a blog website. In this article I’m going to explain how build a Blog and I will be using Hugo framework to achieve it.
In our day-to-day lives we have plenty of distractions. With the advent of every new technology , the number of distractions keep increasing. But at the end of the day, the work that needs to be done has to be done.
Increasing pressure at work, and the proliferation of the hustle culture, just adds to the pressure. Hence it becomes harder and harder to do good productive work.
The best work one can achieve is by being in a state of complete focus called the flow state.
In modern Sass applications, a single application can be used by multiple companies(tenant). There are three ways with which one can divide an application by,
Single schema and a single DB instance Separate Schema for each company but single DB instance Different DB instances for each Company In this article, we will be looking into the second method , i.e Separate Schema for each tenant or company using Spring Boot.
One fine day, I was assigned a project to migrate a perl application( written in the 90s) to Redhat 7 from Redhat 5. Mind you I am a Java developer, but i pride myself in learning anything and everything. So i confidently took in this project as well. Little did I know, the weeks of hell I had to endure to do complete this assignment. So in order to help someone in future below are the steps I followed.
Finance tracking is essential if we need to track our expense and avoid lifestyle inflation. But there is only so much information our brain can hold.
My philosophy for financial discipline is simple,
It should be easy to track It should factor in my emotional state I should see my goal every time I see my financial tracker. To do this effectively I employ notion. Notion’s biggest advantages are,